Costa Humberto

Costa Humberto


Costa Humberto

Physician, with postgraduate degree in General Community Medicine and Psychiatry (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco), and in Medical Clinic (Universidade de Pernambuco UPE). Embraced, from an early age, the public health area. Councilman, State Representative, Congressman, and Senator for the State of Pernambuco, its platforms of mandates present public health in its main hue, from primary care to more complex specialties.
Health’s Secretary of Recife (State of Pernambuco) in 2001, implemented the SAMU program, which consists of vehicle-standardized pre-hospital care, from telephone call center available to population (rescue teams). The service has become a reference.
Brazil’s Minister of Health in 2003.
He was President of the Human Rights Committee of the Federal Senate and is the current President of the Social Affairs Committee of that High House.
Heis vice-president of Congress Comitee of Climates Changes.
Heisvice-president of the Brazilian Representation of Parliament in the Mercosul Parliament
Senator twice for the state of Pernambuco, he is in his second term

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