Schlein Elena Ethel
Schlein Elena Ethel
Elena Ethel Schlein, known as Elly, was born in Lugano on May 4, 1985.
In 2011, she graduated in law from the University of Bologna. During her studies, she began her political journey, first in student associations, then in 2008 and 2012 in America, to help in Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.
In 2013, she became the face of Occupy Pd, the young Democrats’ movement born to protest against the defectors who blocked Romano Prodi’s candidacy as President of the Republic.
From 2014 to 2019, she was a Member of the European Parliament for Italy in the VIII legislature.
In 2020, she was elected in the regional elections in Emilia Romagna and appointed vice president and regional councilor with responsibilities for Welfare and the Climate Pact.
In the 2022 general elections, she was elected member of the Italian Parliament for the XIX Legislature.
Since March 12, 2023, she is the leader of PD.
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