Plötner Jens

Plötner Jens


Plötner Jens

Jens Plötner is a German career diplomat and the Foreign Policy and Security Advisor of the chancellor.
Before assuming his current responsibility in December 2021, he was Political
Director of the German Foreign Office.
Previously he served as Ambassador to Greece (2017 – 2019) and Chief of Staff to Foreign Minister Frank Steinmeier for four years. From 2012 to 2014, he was Ambassador to Tunisia in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’ and to Sri Lanka (2009 – 2012) just as the bloody civil war on the island-state came to an
Plötner started his diplomatic career as political desk    officer at the German Embassy to Israel in Tel Aviv (1998 – 2002). Subsequently, he spent five years in Berlin where he eventually became spokesman of the German Foreign Office.
Jens Plötner was born in the North German town of Eutin on September 29th, 1967. He studied law and political science in Hamburg, Bordeaux and Paris.
He is married to Meike and has two children.

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Γνώρισε όλες τις διακεκριμένες προσωπικότητες από τον διεθνή, τον ευρωπαϊκό, τον Βαλκανικό χώρο και την ευρύτερη περιοχή, που θα συμμετάσχουν στις εργασίες της Διεθνούς Διάσκεψης για την Ειρήνη και τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη. Ανάμεσά τους, Πρωθυπουργοί, πρώην Πρόεδροι, Πρωθυπουργοί και Υπουργοί, Ευρωπαίοι Επίτροποι, ακαδημαϊκοί, διακεκριμένοι επιστήμονες, Διευθυντές Ινστιτούτων κ.α.

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