Makantasi Fay

Makantasi Fay


Makantasi Fay

Fay Makantasi is the Research Director of diaNEOsis. She has taught Microeconomic Theory and Game Theory at Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and Principles of Economics at Hellenic Open University (HOU). She completed her PhD thesis on a game theoretic approach of international trade at AUEB. As a Postdoctoral Fellow she focused on public sector reform in Greece, the country’s export performance and the measurement of its human capital. During her studies she awarded grants for excellence and research from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), the Bank of Cyprus, the Georgios and Victoria Karelia Foundation, the AUEB, the European Research Funding Program -“Heracleitus II”.

She has recently received a research grant from the Hellenic Observatory of LSE on intelligent modeling of e-Government initiatives in Greece. Her research has been published in international journals and she has presented her work in national and international conferences. She has also co-authored and edited socio-economic research about Greece’s exit from the crisis and its modernization.

Δείτε περισσότερα

Γνώρισε όλες τις διακεκριμένες προσωπικότητες από τον διεθνή, τον ευρωπαϊκό, τον Βαλκανικό χώρο και την ευρύτερη περιοχή, που θα συμμετάσχουν στις εργασίες της Διεθνούς Διάσκεψης για την Ειρήνη και τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη. Ανάμεσά τους, Πρωθυπουργοί, πρώην Πρόεδροι, Πρωθυπουργοί και Υπουργοί, Ευρωπαίοι Επίτροποι, ακαδημαϊκοί, διακεκριμένοι επιστήμονες, Διευθυντές Ινστιτούτων κ.α.

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