Nimetz Matthew
Nimetz Matthew
Mr. Nimetz is retired from a career as a diplomat, public servant, corporate lawyer and private equity investor. Mr. Nimetz is best known as the former long me mediator between the Hellenic Republic and Republic of North Macedonia over the so-called “name” dispute, serving first as a Special Envoy for President Bill Clinton (1994-95) successfully helping the par es conclude the Interim Agreement of September 1995, and later as Special Representa ve of the United Na ons Secretary-General (1999-2019) successfully helping the par es conclude the Prespa Agreement of June 2017 which he signed on behalf of the United Na ons. During his career he also served as a Supreme Court law clerk, as staff assistant at the White House to President Lyndon Johnson in the late 1960’s, as Counselor and then Under Secretary of State for President Jimmy Carter (1977-80), as well as having held other responsible positions in New York State and City government.
In his private capacity, Mr. Nimetz was a partner (and chair) of the New York based law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison (1981-2000) and later a Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of General Atlantic (2000-2011), a leading global private equity firm. He has served on numerous corporate and not for profit boards.
Mr. Nimetz and his wife reside in New York City.
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